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Work in Fernie workforce attraction website and job board was an initiative developed by the Fernie Chamber of Commerce in late 2019. A close collaborator with the Fernie Chamber, Tourism Fernie is a key partner on the ‘Work in Ferne’ project. Tourism Fernie generously furnished the new website with donated photography assets and will assist with ongoing marketing support of the project. It is the hope of the two organizations that this project will help to alleviate some of the challenges the labour shortage issue has brought to tourism operators, and the broader business community in the Elk Valley.

The idea of building a workforce attraction program was identified by the Fernie Chamber of Commerce board of directors in their 2019/2020 strategic plan. This issue was also identified as a priority action item in the soon-to-be-launched Fernie Tourism Master Plan and is aligned with a project area in the Kootenay Rockies Destination Development Strategy. The ‘Work in Fernie’ project concept was developed by the Fernie Chamber of Commerce in late 2019, with seed funding for the project awarded through the Rural Dividend Fund – administered by the Government of British Columbia’s Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.

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